Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where there is love, there is life.

I am really excited about all the new changes that are happening in my life. For example; today I was having the afternoon/night from hell. Was in a horrible mood, etc etc... and after I got the kids to sleep, I sat back and realized that even though today has been rough I am not feeling negative. I am not angry or anything. I may have had a bad day but it hasn't effected any part of the joy that my life brings me.

Now seeing this, I know for sure that I have made the right decisions with my life. I have ignored the people who want to hurt me and start anything and I have focused solely on the positive people that want to be in my life. Though the last 7 or so months have been rough, my friendships with people have strengthened beyond what I thought was possible. I got together with someone who was a very important part of my life after one of the blogs I had wrote about her, we are going through a lot of similar changes in our lives and I am so happy for her. I am extremely happy that it seems like we literally just picked up where we left off. Like one of us was just on an extended vacation and missed some time in each others lives. Though there was a lot of problems, not extremely between the two of us, just outsiders on each "side", we have kept to what we thought and kept the things we had entrusted in one another.

I am very much looking forward to visiting home, though it's pre-deployment leave, I can't wait to see my family and my friends in New York. August feels like it was so long ago seeing as how much I have progressed as a person and let go of a lot of unnecessary bullshit. My best friend is coming down to see me with my God daughter late February, my in laws are hopefully coming down for a week after hubby gets back in a few weeks. Life just really is great. No matter how cliche it sounds. I really truly love everything going on in my life.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I am supposed to get my taxes tomorrow, so I am insanely looking forward to that! Saturday, I am going to a get together at a friend's house who I never thought I'd be able to call friend. But I am happy that I can. The first time I met this woman, I thought she was awesome. Really easy to talk to, funny, sweet, caring. And then there were problems. Again, not between her or I. Outsiders, once again. I am very much looking forward to being able to hang out with these ladies! Then Sunday morning, my beautiful babies and I have a photo session with the amazing Janice over at the beach, she is also doing Mikayla and Addison's pictures there too!! I have been looking forward to this all week! Mikayla gave me the BEST idea to do for our outfits! I can't wait! Also, Sunday night, the COLTS are going to whoop some ass!!!

"Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have."
- Unknown.

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